ENCORE is an EU funded scientific research and training program that focuses on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project concentrating on entrepreneurship education with a focus on entrepreneurship situation of Nepal, Bhutan and Laos in reference to the European nations. The project aims to enhance the university-business cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship, increase teaching quality and in the long run to increase the employability of graduates. Additionally, the project focuses on internationalization of higher education institutions and countries having limited access to international cooperation in research and capacity building.
TU ICMS is one of the partner University for this most auspicious EU funded international scientific research and training project named ‘Entrepreneurship Knowledge Transfer-Capacity Building of Trainers & Students- ENCORE’. It is a three years research and training project based on finding entrepreneurship and business condition of Asian and European nations to solve the gap of entrepreneurship conditions between two continents along with national gaps that arises between private, government and other sectors by giving training on the issues that was found as the major threads in the field of Asian entrepreneurship market. This research project was started from the month of January, 2021 and will end in the month of January, 2024. The first phase of this research and training project was comprised of scientific research work through which social researchers from each partner nation of this project found out the real problems that exists in the field of entrepreneurship of their respective nations through which social researchers of each Asian partner nations along with some nations of Europe compared the findings of their research in the form of gap analysis that made them to come up with real internationally reliable solutions to those existing problems that were found during the time of research. In this way, research team of Global College International for this research project succeed to create successful scientific research report. Through the help of this research of social researcher, in the second phase the team set the foundation for different kinds of practical problem and solutions based multiplier training that is mentioned below. This multiplier training event is based on outcomes of the primary research carried out by these researchers.
ERASMUS+ ENCORE Project Partners
Partner Institution | Country | City |
FH Joanneum | Austria | Graz |
University of Alicante | Spain | Alicante |
Haaga-Helia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | Finland | Helsinki |
Royal University of Bhutan (Gedu College) | Bhutan | Chhukha |
Royal Thimphu College | Bhutan | Thimphu |
Tribhuvan University | Nepal | Kathmandu |
Global College International | Nepal | Kathmandu |
Souphanouvong University | Laos | Luang Prabang |
National University of Laos | Laos | Vientiane |