
Inauguration of Center of Excellence at TU

Inauguration of Center of Excellence at TU

Today, on April 26th the CESTour Centre of Excellence was officially jointly inaugurated by the Honorable Rector, Professor Bhushal, and Claudia Lindstch, CESTour Program Manager from FH Joanneum, Austria. The ERASMUS-funded CESTour project officially began in January. 2021. and will conclude in January, 2024. Throughout its duration, CESTour aims to promote the exchange of sustainable tourism concepts and practices among higher educational institutions in Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka. With the goal of fostering long-term change in the sustainable tourism sector of these South Asian countries. CESTour also works to heighten university-business cooperation, strengthen teaching, and empower students. ERASMUS program partners in Austria, Spain, and Italy provide ongoing assistance to South Asian partners to support the realization of these program objectives. It is exciting to share that under CESTour, have…
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Admission Open for MTHS Program 2079/80

Admission open for Masters in Tourism and Hospitality Studies (MTHS) for the academic year 2079/80.  Tribhuvan University, Office of the Chancellor Notice releases notice for getting admission on the masters program in Tourism and Hospitality Studies.  स्नातकोत्तर तथा अधिस्नातक तह (MA & PGD) मा नयाँ विद्यार्थी भर्ना सम्बन्धी सूचना  त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय, मानविकी तथा सामाजिक शास्त्र सङ्काय, डीनको कार्यालयबाट सेमेस्टर प्रणालीमा आधारित शैक्षिक वर्ष २०२२ (२०७८/०७९) को अधिस्नातक (PGD) तथा स्नातकोत्तर (MA) तहका केन्द्रीय विभागहरू / क्याम्पसहरू तथा विभाग / कार्यक्रमहरूमा नयाँ विद्यार्थी भर्ना कार्यक्रम देहाय बमोजिम सञ्चालन हुने भएकाले सम्बन्धित सबैको जानकारीका लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।  आवेदकहरूद्वारा भर्ना हुन चाहेको विषय तथा अध्ययन गर्न चाहेको केन्द्रीय विभाग / क्याम्पस / कार्यक्रमको नाम उल्लेख गरी यस सङ्कायको वेवसाइट मा अङ्कित dfk{mt अनलाइन आवेदन फाराम भर्न सकिने छ । यसका अलावा विद्यार्थीद्वारा…
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Admission Notice 2081

Admission in Master's Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Studies (MTHS)​